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Monday 18 June 2012

Music K Koke

.I have chosen K Koke because he is a good singer and has releases some good songs and I like them.
K Koke was born in 22 May in North West London.

Some hes songs are :
My Note
Are you alone
You ain't prefect
Cold Roads
Block Life
I'm Back
Fire And The Booth

On is CD cover it has 'Pure Koke' because its just him singing and he does a really good job he talks he real stuff about life.

Tuesday 15 May 2012


The 3 main characters look big and strong and like they want to do business and waiting for what comes at them.

. Clothes and Props:
The clothes used on the front cover are tight t-shirts indicating they have very big muscles and they included guns to make people scared of them and that they will use them.

.Body Language:
The way there standing looks like there trying to protect themselves from danger and be alert from every angle.

Facial Expressions:
There facial expressions look like they mean business and taking every step serious and to make people scared of them and not to mess around with them.

The Colours are red , white, and blue for the sky to make it look like a good background.

Location there in:
The location there in looks like a hot place like maimi with palm trees and a old fashion car in the background.

What are they doing:

Monday 14 May 2012


.John Cena is a wrestle he looks like he means business with the things he does the way he dresses and his facial expressions.

. Chris rock looks like a happy guy and the type of person to crack jokes to his mates and there family

. Dewayne Johnson looks like the type of man who doesn't take no crap of no body and beats them up because he is big and scary and he looks like he means business.

Thursday 29 March 2012


1.What production company logo you are going to show at the begging is.?
My logo for the production is gateway films because other films have them and there related to what we are doing.

2.What shots you are going yo show to let the audience know where the film is set, and what type of film it is.?
The shots we will do is close up because the audience can see clearly what we are doing and giving each other.

3.What the 5 key parts of the story are, and what you will show of them to make the audience want to see your film.?
At there start they meet and talk then they would talk about selling drugs ,but then they get caught then they go to prison for a long time.

4.What was last scene you show will be to leave the audience wanting more.?
My last scene would be about to punch a policeman in the face then the film ends.

5.What information you are going to give the audience on screen, what information do the audience NEED to know.?
Where it is set and the characters name the polices name and the prison there going to.

6.What music you will have playing in the trailer.?
Rack city- because i think it will bring out what we are doing.

7.What you want the voice over man to say about your film during the trailer.?

Monday 20 February 2012

What Makes A Good Film Website

The thing that makes all film website good is they ALL need to include when it was realsed and in the background for the picture have a picture of all the MAIN charcters of the film also how many awards they have won and some good film websites they will have a film trailer. However some film website would sell the DVD on there website.

My Film Poster Analysis

Monday 30 January 2012

My film poster anaylsis

My Film Poster Anaylisis Ben Georgiou

Thursday 26 January 2012

My Film Poster

Doc 1