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Monday 12 September 2011

Case Study Research

1: A breif history of the company- when was it set up and by whom, have they grown since setting up.
A:Created in 1979 by Rupert Murdoch ,yeah it has been grown its in papers and now the second largest media conglomerate.

2:What areas of the Media it operate in- what different mediums does it produce texts in.
A: It doesnt just have newspapers it also cover ebsite magazines ,pictures ,films.

3:What are the names of the compaines which it owns.

1 comment:

  1. Its a shame this task isnt finished seeing as you had a whole hour to do 8 questions. It is impossible for me to give to a mark for such little work. Next time make more effort to complete the work in the lesson or ask if you need help

    INSTITUTIONS = 0/20 = U
