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Tuesday 6 December 2011

My Film Ideas.

1)Genre Of Film-  Action

2)Age Rating- 15

3)Target Audience- Would be old teenages from 14 -18 if they like action films to do with fighting knifes guns drugs.

4)Location Setting- In a close area like a town estate where everyone sees each other everyday.

5)Characters- I would have The Terminator, James Bond, John McClane.

6)Beginning- It would be everyone waking up going to the shop to get weapson and guns to meet on there local estae.

7)Middle- They al meet in there local estae for a big deal but it all goes horribly wrong .

8)End- One gang starts fighting because he didnt get his money for his drugs then he died by 12 gun shots to the head.

9)Name Of The Film- Smell Trouble

10)Why People Would Like It- because it is a action film and people wont get bored of it and they will want to watch it over and over again.

1 comment:

  1. Ben I like most parts of your idea as I can imagine a "kidulthood style" film set in an estate in London. However having characters like The Terminator in it is not realistic. What I would like to see is a more detailed idea of characters suitable for the film eg
    Dan - aged 17 - teenager who is being pressured into joining a gang. He needs money for his family and is tricked into robbing a shop by his friends.

    Good idea though.
