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Monday 14 November 2011


1)Film promotion is the practise of promotion specifically in the film industry.
2)A movie poster is a poster used to advertise a film.
3) trailer or preview is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema
4)A popular film that brings out toys of the charcters.
5)A film website is a film that has there own website with all charcters on them and explain when there next film out.
6) Mobile phones are making apps games music themes charceters involed, sending a message around when there next film is coming out. There is a anuvahood app on the phones including the trailer the charcters speech(best bits).
Adulthood Poster7)Tile of film-AdULTHOOD
Slogan- fearless and full on
Colours- orange , white black,
font- big and bold
images- of there gang
actors name- main charcter sam


1 comment:

  1. You seem to have two seperate topics in this post Ben. Could you please seperare them out so there is one post with your final advert in it, and one post with your film research?

    Your advert shows some good awareness of advertising conventions eg slogan, website etc and you show a good technical understanding of the lens flare effect. To improve, you could have a re-think of what your company is called. You have Nike Trainers, and a Nike logo, so it would make sense for your website to be rather than

    3/5 = C
