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Tuesday 13 December 2011

kidulthood advert

Kidulthood Advert Alysis

my quantum solace advert

My Quantum Solace Advert

Tuesday 6 December 2011

My Film Ideas.

1)Genre Of Film-  Action

2)Age Rating- 15

3)Target Audience- Would be old teenages from 14 -18 if they like action films to do with fighting knifes guns drugs.

4)Location Setting- In a close area like a town estate where everyone sees each other everyday.

5)Characters- I would have The Terminator, James Bond, John McClane.

6)Beginning- It would be everyone waking up going to the shop to get weapson and guns to meet on there local estae.

7)Middle- They al meet in there local estae for a big deal but it all goes horribly wrong .

8)End- One gang starts fighting because he didnt get his money for his drugs then he died by 12 gun shots to the head.

9)Name Of The Film- Smell Trouble

10)Why People Would Like It- because it is a action film and people wont get bored of it and they will want to watch it over and over again.

Monday 28 November 2011

my advert analysis

My Advert Anylasis

Analysis Professional advert 2

Alynias for Galaxy

Monday 14 November 2011


1)Film promotion is the practise of promotion specifically in the film industry.
2)A movie poster is a poster used to advertise a film.
3) trailer or preview is an advertisement or a commercial for a feature film that will be exhibited in the future at a cinema
4)A popular film that brings out toys of the charcters.
5)A film website is a film that has there own website with all charcters on them and explain when there next film out.
6) Mobile phones are making apps games music themes charceters involed, sending a message around when there next film is coming out. There is a anuvahood app on the phones including the trailer the charcters speech(best bits).
Adulthood Poster7)Tile of film-AdULTHOOD
Slogan- fearless and full on
Colours- orange , white black,
font- big and bold
images- of there gang
actors name- main charcter sam


Tuesday 1 November 2011

Advertising Mark Scheme

A: Wording and images are CREATIVE and EXTREMELY APPEALING to a SPECIFIC audience. The final product is EXTREMELY APPROPRIATE and PROFESSIONAL and shows an EXCELLENT LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience know EXACTLY WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. MANY CONVENTIONS have been used

B: Wording and images are IMAGINATIVE and MOSTLY APPEALING to a SPECIFIC audience. The final product is VERY APPROPRIATE and MOSTLY PROFESSIONAL, and shows a VERY GOOD LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience have a GOOD IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. MANY CONVENTIONS have been used.

C: Wording and images show SOME IMAGINATION and have SOME APPEAL to a SPECIFIC audience. The final product is MOSTLY APPROPRIATE and shows a GOOD LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience have SOME IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. SOME CONVENTIONS have been used.

D: Wording and images show UNDERSTANDING of the product and TRIES TO APPEAL to an audience although perhaps unsuccessfully. The final product is QUITE APPROPRIATE and shows a BASIC LEVEL OF TECHNICAL SKILLS. The audience have SOME IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. SOME CONVENTIONS have been used.

E: Wording and images show SOME UNDERSTANDING of the product but have LITTLE APPEAL to the audience. The final product is only PARTLY APPROPRIATE and shows LITTLE TECHNICAL SKILL. The audience have LITTLE IDEA OF WHAT TO EXPECT from the product. VERY FEW CONVENTIONS have been used, IF ANY.

Monday 31 October 2011

History For Advertising

1)In 1951 the first tv filmed were whats my line in JULY 16
Mrs. Attlee opens the Children's Hour Studio at Lime Grove

2)The price for adverts are just £4.81,advertising Gibbs ER toothpaste.
3)In 2010, spending on advertising was estimated at more than $300 billion in the United States and $500 billion worldwide.
4)It can be said that every time the technological communication environment changes so to does the advertising environment. Advertisers who do not carefully monitor and adapt to the technological communication environment run the risk of losing millions of dollars on inefficient advertising expenditures.

5)Product placement is not quite as widespread in TV land as it is in the movies, but it is a rapidly growing industry.

6)Tobacco advertising is the advertising of tobacco products or use (typically cigarette smoking) by the tobacco industry through a variety of media including sponsorship, particularly of sporting events.

Guinness tonight launches the most expensive TV ad in its 80-year marketing history, with highly unusual domino rally.
The ad - part of a £10m campaign - begins with 6,000 dominoes, leading on to objects such as books, paint cans, tyres, flaming hay bales, fridges, suitcases and even cars.

Tuesday 11 October 2011


I have done this in 2 lessons this is the first ever time doing somethink like this , i want to get better at it and improve.

Monday 10 October 2011

How i am going to be marked

Media Level Ladder

Tuesday 27 September 2011

When doing this task I have learnt how to move eyes around change the color of there eyes lips skin.
also I learnt how to change the skin color around and make her look different in pictures.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

View On Teenages

The research found that fewer than one in 10 articles about young people actually included their perspectives in the debateAll the teenages now a days  have baggy clothes and hats hoodies and go around the streets at night.
Some teenages not all smoke weed , do drugs or just genarlly smoke and drink all the time. Some times they might get into  fight and they might invole knifes and guns. EG. Kidulthood,Adulthod,Anuvahood

Some teenagers might have a hard life with stuff so they want to change that there self but some times it will go wrong. And get into trouble with the police go prison and wont be able to get a job in the future.

Also in films young teenagers watch films with crime drugs swearing and other stuff, they will copy what they are doing and try to be like them, but it dont work and they get into trouble.

Most teenagers are going into prison and getting in trouble and go in papers and go on the news thy think they will get famous and none round here but there stupid and get into trouble. They want to be like the other people they think it is smart but it isnt but there taking there anger out on everyone else.

The conclusion, i think teenagers should have fun but try to keep out of trouble and away from the  police if they want to smoke they can but if there parents know they are but keep away from drugs and voilence and gangs. There has been trouble in the UK in Liverpool,Salford,Manchester,Nottingham and Birmingham doing riots smashing up shops and destroying our counrty. <<<<Video For Riot

Click to show "handguns" result 20
Anuvahood Poster

Monday 12 September 2011

Case Study Research

1: A breif history of the company- when was it set up and by whom, have they grown since setting up.
A:Created in 1979 by Rupert Murdoch ,yeah it has been grown its in papers and now the second largest media conglomerate.

2:What areas of the Media it operate in- what different mediums does it produce texts in.
A: It doesnt just have newspapers it also cover ebsite magazines ,pictures ,films.

3:What are the names of the compaines which it owns.

Thursday 8 September 2011

Why I Chose Media As GCSE

I chose media as a gcse subject because its somethink new to do and its intresting subject, and we can make films by ourself and other stuff like that. In this subject i want to do well and achieve.

My Media Intrest

My Favourite Tv ShowsEastenders,Red or Black, X factor, Britians Got Talent,

My Favourite Films: Hangover, Batman, Inbetweeners Movie,

My Favourite Songs: Dappy, Eminem, Tini Tempah, Chipmunk, Plan B, Wiz Kalifa